Meet the Man Behind the SpiritsCody Wasilchenko
Cody's story began with a childhood fascination with chemistry, particularly organic
chemistry. At 16, Cody built his first still in his parents' basement without their knowledge. He delved into the processes of fermentation and distillation, eventually perfecting an absinthe over the next few years.
At 18, he entered the electrical field and pursued a career. However, he grew weary of constant travel and career stagnation, leading him to desire self-employment.
Inspired by new legislation in Michigan facilitating the establishment of small distilleries, Cody decided to take the plunge. Recognizing his need for more experience beyond hobby-level expertise, he embarked on a nearly two-year journey apprenticing under various distillers in the
Caribbrean and Central America.
Returning home one day, Cody drafted a business plan and began assembling everything needed to launch his own venture.

Cody had apprenticed in Panama and found the rums there to be perfect for his blends. He returned to Panama to negotiate an agreement with Las Cabras to work
with their various rums to create his own unique, high quality blends, with the condition that Cody assist with harvest season annually.
Once the rum blends he created were to his tasting, Burl & Sprig entered the Migration and Touche rums in the prestigious San Francisco World Spirits Competition, which is akin to the Super Bowl for distilleries. Cody wanted the Burl & Sprig rums to be tasted and judged alongside the world's best.
Cody received a life-changing phone call from the San Francisco World Spirits Competition announcing that both rums that were submitted had earned double gold and silver medals, signifying perfect scores from every judge in their respective categories. He was all in.
Burl & Sprig is borne from the unrelenting desire to distill, blend and discover designer rums of exceptional quality and taste. This ethic has since expanded to vodka and gin as well.